Red Rot of Sugarcane: Symptoms and Control (With Diagram)

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Red Rot of Sugarcane 2. Symptoms of Red Rot of Sugarcane   3. Control Measure of Red Rot of Sugarcane

Red Rot of Sugarcane: Symptoms and Control (With Diagram)

1. Introduction to Red Rot of Sugarcane:

Host : Sugarcane

Causal Organism : Colletotrichum falcatum 

This is one of the most severe of the known diseases of sugarcane. It was first described from Java by Went in 1893. It is widely distributed throughout the sugar­cane-growing countries of the world, and in fact it is extremely doubtful if there are any sugarcane-growing areas where it does not exist, although it may be much more destructive in some places than others.

The disease was very widespread and virulent in North Behar and Eastern part of the United Provinces during 1939 and 1942. It was so destructive that it almost whipped out the sugarcane plantations in those areas.

Red Rot of Sugarcane: Symptoms and Control (With Diagram)

2. Symptoms of Red Rot of Sugarcane

1. Red rot is caused by the fungi Colletotrichum falcatum.

2. The 3rd and 4th leaves (from the top) of the infected plants display yellowing and drying. At a later stage, show discoloured lesion on the rind. Fungal spores develop on rind and nodes.

3. If the diseased stalk split open, reddened internal tissues with intermingled white spots may be seen. The internal colour becomes brown, pith cavity become larger, greyish hyphae inside pith become visible. A sour and alcoholic smell emanates from the infected tissues.

3. Control Measure of Red Rot of Sugarcane

Red rot is often referred as cancer of sugarcane and no effective method for its control is available yet. However, the diseases can be managed by adopting integrated red rot management practices.

1. Cultivation of resistant varieties like Co 89003, Co 98014, Co 0118, Co 0238, Co 0239, Co 0124, etc will contain the disease.

2. The disease spread through infected setts. Therefore, always select seed canes from a disease free healthy crop. Any setts showing reddening at the cut ends or at the nodal region should be discarded.

3. Raise seed crop from the seed canes treated in moist hot aerated therapy unit at 54°C for 1 hour or soak the setts overnight in Thiophanate Methyl (ROKO)+Pseudomonas.

4. Resort to crop rotation with paddy and green manure crops. Avoid ratooning.

5. During rainy season, the disease spreads fast. Bunding of affected field may be done to avoid movement of pathogen through rain or floodwater.

6. Roguing of diseased plants showing spindle leaf infection early during May-June and disinfecting soil around the diseased clumps with 0.1% Carbendazim solution.
Red Rot of Sugarcane: Symptoms and Control (With Diagram) Red Rot of Sugarcane: Symptoms and Control (With Diagram) Reviewed by Rajkumar on November 01, 2017 Rating: 5

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